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viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

Turn Around, Look At Me (Voltea y Mirame) The Vogues

Hermosa canción romántica de fines de los años 60's . Dedicada a quienes se enamoraron, abrazaron besaron con la inolvidable música de The Vogues
Una canción que no se olvida.

The Vogues Wikipedia
The Vogues Official Page

Fuente Imagen: Wikipedia

Turn Around Look at Me y otros éxitos de The Vogues, aquí

"Turn Around, Look at Me" is a song written by Jerry Capehart.

There is someone walking behind you,
turn around, look at me.
There is someone watching your footsteps,
turn around, look at me.
There is someone who really needs you,
here's my heart in my hand.
Turn around, (turn around,) look at me,
(look at me,) understand,understand.
That there's someone who'll stand beside you.
Turn around, look at me.
And, there's someone who'll love and guide you.
Turn around, look at me.
Oh, I've waited, but. I'll wait forever for you to come to me.
Look at someone (look at someone) who really loves you,
yeah, really loves you. Turn around, look at me.
Turn around, look at me.

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